Two fabric rectangles lined w/ black fabric. They are tied together at the upper corners w/ printed fabric ties. The design on panel (a) consists of reapeating bands of navy blue, yellow, blue, pink & green; the last four rows are red, yellow, navy and white. The base edge has a white twisted cord fringe. Panel (b) the ground is deep red velvet. In the center is an eagle with outstretched wings and the American Shield on its breast. The eagle is in a blue/green fabric and is outlined w/ black & silver sequins and dk blue tube beads. It's talons each hold a sequined American flag. In both lower corners, below the flags are hearts created w/a sequin outline. Along the lower edge is azig-zagline of silver sequins. The velvet is edged top & bottom w/a band of white & a band of blue fabric. The lower blue band is edged at the top w/ small dk blue tube beads & there is a row of long, translucent green tubular beads sewn in a zig-zag or saw-tooth line. The sides of the panel are edged w/ yellow fabric. A red fabric ribbon is attached to each lower corner. The base edge has a white twisted cord fringe.