Released by Walt Disney Studios in 2012, the animated film Wreck-It Ralph tells the story of video game characters who come to life when their arcade closes at night. One of the games, entitled Fix-It Felix, Jr., features the antagonist Ralph, a Donkey Kong-like character who tosses bricks down at the hero, Felix, who attempts to repair windows while avoiding Ralph?s missiles. As a villain, Ralph finds himself ostracized by his fellow characters, and he expresses his desire to reject his programmed role and become a hero instead. The movie is also noteworthy for featuring cameos of licensed characters from classic arcade games, including Pac-Man, Root Beer Tapper, Street Fighter, Q*Bert, Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, Paperboy, Dig Dug, and Frogger.
To promote this movie, Disney built a limited number of Fix-It Felix, Jr. arcade cabinets. These machines are dated 1982 to reflect the original release date of the film's fictional game, and the cabinet, side art, bezel, and marquee have all been "distressed" to appear 30 years old. Disney also produced items such as t-shirts, figures, and art books to generate interest in the film and in the history of the video game industry.
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