
Atonality and its Permeation

František Foltýn1929

Olomouc Museum of Art

Olomouc Museum of Art
Olomouc, Tchéquie

At the turn of the 1920s and 1930s František Foltýn was one of few Czech painters dealing with the problem of abstract painting with keen interest and thorougness, which won him international recognition. Kinship of opinion as for principles and function of the abstract creation brought him afterwards to the group Cercle et Caré, the members of which were e.g. Hans Arp (1886–1966), Wasilly Kandinsky (1866–1944) či Fernand Legér (1881–1955).

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  • Titre: Atonality and its Permeation
  • Créateur: František Foltýn
  • Date: 1929
  • Dimensions physiques: 100 x 81 cm
  • Support: oil, canvas
Olomouc Museum of Art

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