Black-figure lekythos with figural scenes on the body and shoulder. On the body is a seated bearded man surrounded by a group of six standing figures, a woman and five youths. The man sits facing right on a folded stool and holds a spear in his left hand. He has a fillet in his hair and wears a chiton and a himation with a cross pattern design. A woman dressed in a peplos and wearing a fillet in her hair stands before him with her left arm lowered and her right, raised. Behind her are two nude youths; one stands facing the seated man with the same posture as the woman, the other carries a spear and moves to the right, turning his head back towards the group. On the left are three partially preserved male figures: a man in a chiton and himation holding a spear flanked by two nude youths. Added red was used for the hair of the nude youths, the woman's fillet and peplos, and the man's fillet, beard, and himation. On the shoulder are two youths boxing and an onlooker on the right. The boxer on the left is partially preserved, missing his right leg and arm, and there may have been a second observer at the far left. The vase is signed on the underside of the foot with the name of the Amasis potter.