Composition in black and white. Sketch lines. In the lower on the left half dead body impaled on a stick, symbol of St. Bartholomew, seeing them arms and legs; the head is only suggested. In the center of the composition, the same dead body outline. In the center, leaning on the bottom margin of the front Eagle species. On the right side of the support, from the left to the right and from top to bottom, the name of the twelve apostles with the design of their respective attributes, each set in a rectangle; Profile rooster on the left and two keys side by side with ring up and the word "PEDRO"; two crossed sticks in the form of "X" with the inscription "ANDRÉ"; Latin cross and the inscription "Felipe"; sword horizontally with the words: "SWORD" and "MAJOR JAMES"; cross and dead body outline skewered on a stick, with the inscription "BARTHOLOMEW"; Angel head front with open wings and the inscription "MATHEUS"; outline of a mountain range in the horizontal and the inscription "SIMON"; kind of rod and registration "S.J. TADEU"; kind of bag, staff and the inscription "JAMES LESSER"; a sword vertically, a on the right arm and the inscription "TOME"; Eagle front and the inscription "S.J. EVANGELIST"; two scratchings which appear to represent two stacks of coins and the inscription "JUDAS ESCARIOTO".