
Bark container MicroCT still


Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario
London, Canada

A plaster field jacket containing large fragments of birch bark was made during the excavation of the Windermere site, near Lawson, in 1983. The fragments are thought to be rare archaeological remains of a birch bark container. The cast was scanned in a Micro-CT scanner by Professor Andrew Nelson of the Anthropology Department at Western University in December 2018. This video takes you through the different layers present inside of the cast.

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  • Titre: Bark container MicroCT still
  • Date de création: 2018
  • Lieu: London, Ontario
  • Type: image
  • Droits: Museum of Ontario Archaeology
  • Support: Digital
Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

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