
Basin for Annointing an Image of the Infant Buddha, Hosoge flower design

Heian period, 12th century


東京, 日本

April 8 is the birthday of Buddha, when Kanbutsu-e (Bussho-e or Hanamatsuri), a ceremony to celebrate the day, is held. This is a shallow basin used on the day to enshrine a child image of Shakyamuni. A hosogekarakusamon (a big flower and thick arabesque motif) is applied using keribori (engraving technique to create a dotted line) from the bottom to the rim of the basin. The hosokarakusamon is gold plated and a silver-plated nanako pattern (a pattern of small dots like fish roe) is applied to the blank space to accentuate the hosokarakusamon. The flower has petals that open up around long stamens and a pistil and looks like a peony as the ends of the petals have a cut. A similar floral motif can be found on the colored area of Jikokuten (a guardian deity who protects the east of Buddha's realm) of Joruriji Temple. This type of floral motif commands attention as one form of hosoge pattern representing the Heian period.

  • タイトル: Basin for Annointing an Image of the Infant Buddha, Hosoge flower design
  • 作成日: Heian period, 12th century
  • 実際のサイズ: w455 x h153 mm
  • Object Title: 金銅宝相華唐草文灌仏盤
  • Object Notes(Japanese): 4月8日は釈迦生誕の日で、それを祝う灌仏会(仏生会、花祭)の際、釈迦童像を奉安する水盤。底から縁へ枝をのばすように大輪の宝相華と太い唐草を蹴彫(けりぼり)によって表わす。宝相華唐草文は鍍金を施し、また余白を魚々子地に鍍銀して、引き立たせている。宝相華は、長い蕊を取り囲むように花弁が開き、また弁先には切れ込みがあって牡丹に近似する。同様な宝相華文は浄瑠璃寺の持国天の彩色にも見られ、平安時代の宝相華の1形態を示すものとして注目される。
  • Object Date: 平安時代・12世紀
  • タイプ: Metalwork
  • 外部リンク: http://www.emuseum.jp/detail/100440
  • 媒体/技法: Gilt bronze


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