
Block set:Bumpity Blocks

The Pencil Grip, Inc.2006

The Strong National Museum of Play

The Strong National Museum of Play
Rochester , United States

Construction sets are as simple as a pile of rectangular blocks and as intricate as sets designed to replicate Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Waters and Guggenheim Museum. Child experts have long known that the importance of construction sets is in what kids make of them--literally. Using building sets require imagination, creativity, planning, critical thinking, and strategizing--all skills that kids will rely on when they enter the adult world. Since the nineteenth century, toy makers have tried to produce a better construction set. The wooden blocks were succeeded by such twentieth-century classics as Tinkertoys, Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets, LEGOs, K'NEX, and others.

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  • Title: Block set:Bumpity Blocks
  • Creator: The Pencil Grip, Inc.
  • Date Created: 2006
  • Location: China
  • Subject Keywords: block, construction
  • Type: Construction Toys and Blocks
  • Medium: foam, printed paper, plastic
  • Object ID: 110.1502
  • Credit Line: Courtesy of the Marianne Szymanski Toy Tips Institute
The Strong National Museum of Play

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