
Blue Time

Houston Maludi2014

Collection d'Art Africain Contemporain  - Collection Jean Pigozzi

Collection d'Art Africain Contemporain - Collection Jean Pigozzi

The artist Houston Maludi (born in 1978, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo) draws since childhood, he made his first drawings with watercolors he got from an uncle and a stick as a brush. He entered the School of Fine Arts in Kinshasa in 1993. He graduated in 1997 from the "painting" section. After several years of research and aesthetic experiments, he created in 2008 what he calls the "Symbiotic Quantum Monochromique Cubism" which corresponds to its "own" Cubism, he gets a "symbiosis of forms." To illustrate this unity, perfect and discreet, between the elements while claiming its use of the filling and passion for the line "expresses life in its dynamism" (Kamba Luesa), Houston Maludi works the Black and White and the use of contrasts . The line is at the center of its work, the symbiotic error does not exist, if we know the exploit is a line that is integrated into the composition. Art is a quest for him, he tries to discover the truth in the universe infinite; his name "Maludi" will also tell truth. It is not he who makes his paintings and his works but it is that shape and leave him a footprint. Once completed his work he leaves grows, more mature, and evolves with his artistic production. "I seek the truth in the form because the material is an obstacle to the view I pierces to discover the infinite universe. That is my approach and my philosophy. "

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Collection d'Art Africain Contemporain  - Collection Jean Pigozzi

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