"Dallas" is an American prime-time television soap opera that originally ran from 1978 to 1991. It revolved around the Ewings, a wealthy Texas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. The show debuted in April 1978 as a five-part miniseries on the CBS network, and then was broadcast on that network for 13 seasons from 1978 to 1991.
"Dallas" was one of the most successful and longest-running shows in American prime-time television history, and was also hugely successful across the world. Meanwhile, a board game called Cartel, originally produced by Gamut of Games, was floundering. Cartel was designed by game inventor Philip Orbanes. The game's play involved gathering great wealth by consolidating corporations, similar to the story line (wealth accumulation) on "Dallas." The new owner of Cartel renamed it Dallas. With clever re-packaging, a "new" board game called Dallas was born.