The $64,000 Question was a television quiz show running from 1955 to 1958. During this time the program gained the highest ratings of any television program to that date and made money for the program's major sponsor--the Revlon cosmetic company. But the program is probably best remembered as one of the quiz shows embroiled in the notorious quiz show scandal of the late 1950s. In this debacle, several quiz shows on several networks were accused and found guilty of rigging questions and answers. All of the guilty parties ended their programs and soon the Western replaced the quiz show as the most popular American television program. Unlike several other quiz shows that rigged questions or gave contestants answers in advance, The $64,000 Question basically "bumped" contestants who the sponsor (Revlon or its founder, Charles Revson) did not like. Nonetheless, among the evidence of the program's once-great popularity is a board game from 1955, "Revlon's$64,000 Question Quiz Game."
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