

SEKINE Shoji1919

Artizon Museum, Ishibashi Foundation

Artizon Museum, Ishibashi Foundation
Tokyo, 日本

Sekine is believed to have painted this portrait of his youngest brother, Takeo, then six, during the last six months of the artist's life, before his death at the age of 20 years and two months. The impoverished Sekine often painted over his old canvases, as he obviously did in this case. He had begun executing a design in which two women are walking side by side, but for some reason quit before finishing it, cut the canvas in two, and reused the lower half for this portrait. He had probably used the vivid cinnabar red in the first painting as well. It was his favorite color, one that became almost synonymous with him. The intense contrast between the red and the clear blue of the background gives a sense of the artist's longing for life.

  • タイトル: Boy
  • 作成者: SEKINE Shoji
  • 作者の生存期間: 1899/1919
  • 作者の国籍: Japanese
  • 作者の性別: Male
  • 作成日: 1919
  • 実際のサイズ: w457 x h609 cm
  • Object Title: 子供
  • Artist Name: 関根正二
  • Technique: Oil
  • 媒体/技法: canvas
Artizon Museum, Ishibashi Foundation


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