
Brasero efigie de Tlatelolco


Museo Nacional de Antropología, México

Museo Nacional de Antropología, México
Mexico,D.F., México

Brazier of polychromatic ceramics with the effigy of a character attached to it. The represented image has been identified as a water and vegetable fertility deity because of the attire, such as the headdress of bands with lateral tassels, the decoration on the back of the head with the shape of a pleated paper bow, the gold disk on the chest and the predominant blue color that is related to water. On both sides of the image, there are represented two big fire tongues and spirals of smoke elements evoking the ceremonial function of this type of vessels that were used to burn herbs or aromatic resins as tribute for the gods. Curiously, this piece is similar to the braziers with the effigy of Tláloc that adorn the platform of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan in the north and back façades at the northern half of the building. Nevertheless, an old description of this Tlatelolco vessel indicates that it was used as a funerary urn.There is not accurate information on its origin, it has only been possible to infer the time in which it was recovered through different historic documents as lithographies, circulars, books, or photographs. The date that has generally been given for its discovery goes back to the first half of the 19th century, thanks to the fact that a traveler from that time, Maximilian Franck, made in 1829 a series of drawings of the pieces he saw in the museum of the University. Among these, there is the one that we could consider as the first image of this beautiful piece. Arqlga. Bertina Olmedo Vera

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  • Título: Brasero efigie de Tlatelolco
  • Creador: unknown
  • Fecha de creación: 1337/1521
  • Ubicación física: México
  • Period: Posclásico Tardío (1250-1521 d.C.)
  • Dimensiones físicas: w643 x h552 x d542 cm (complete)
  • Altiplano Central, Tlatelolco Ciudad de México: Mexica
  • Tipo: Brazier
  • Enlace externo:
  • Derechos: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia., INAH. Proyecto de Digitalización de las Colecciones Arqueológicas del Museo Nacional de Antropología. CONACULTA-CANON-MNA.
  • Técnica artística: Arcilla
Museo Nacional de Antropología, México

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