Patrick 'Kitten' Braden, played by Cillian Murphy; Yellow cropped rabbit fur
jacket and yellow brocade flared pants.
“Normally we get most of the costumes, especially for extras, crowd scenes
etc in London, but when I visited the largest costume house in London,
Angels, all the 70s costumes were taped off with red and white plastic tape,
on hold for Stephen Spielberg’s film “Munich”. It worked out well for us in
the end as we found some great small costume houses and just had to
spread the net much further afield. Part of this search involved a trip to Italy.
I saw this yellow fur jacket in a shop in Rome. It was on sale, which was no
surprise as the weather was warm and sunny. I thought I would die if I did
not get it for Kitten. The pants were then made to match the jacket. For me,
this was Kitten at his most expressive and free!”