Two years after Hanna-Barbera Productions made television history with the world's first prime-time cartoon show, "The Flintstones," they followed up with a second program, "The Jetsons." Balancing the primitive setting of "The Flintstones," "The Jetsons" took place in the futuristic mid-21st century. Yet, for all its space-age invention and high-tech gadgetry, the adventures of this family of four really reflected the conventional world of "Ozzie and Harriet." Dad goes to work while stay-at-home mom Jane wears her fingers out pushing buttons. The Jetsons' daughter, Judy, worried about dates and fashion, while son Elroy mastered technological gadgets that filled their home. "The Jetsons" lasted just one short year in prime time, but continued for another 14 years as one of many Saturday-morning cartoons for kids.