Audiovisual performance for radio-astronomical data, artificial intelligence and self-playing piano. The audiovisual performance is part of a series using artificial intelligence trained on human communication to search for patterns and rhythms in data from outer space. Electromagnetic radio waves from the universe serve as input data for several neural networks, which have been trained on human communications and ideas of extraterrestrial life. Now the networks are desperately trying to discover hidden messages of distant civilizations in the murmur of space. As the artificial intelligences reach deeper and deeper into the alien data mysterious noises evolve, composing a non-worldly triad of human, extraterrestrial and artificial sounds.
Quadrature & Christian Losert (composition)
ZKM | Hertz-Lab: Benjamin Miller (Sound Direction)
ZKM | Videostudio: Christina Zartmann (Camera, Editing), Xenia Leidig (Camera)
Performed and Filmed at ZKM_Cube on December 9, 2020
"C.R.E.D.O. Fantasie#3" is a part of the #bebeethoven fellowship program, a project by PODIUM Esslingen on the occasion of the Beethoven anniversary 2020, funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Supported by a "NEUSTART KULTUR" scholarship for visual artists with children under the age of 7 from Stiftung Kunstfonds.