Goya canvas presented on January 26, 1784 to complete the decoration of the dining room of the Prince and Princess of Asturias at the Royal Palace of El Pardo.
"It shows 4 men playing cards. Behind them are 3 onlookers, one of whom is making signs with his fingers. Opposite him is his companion who is winning money. These 7 figures form a group, which is the focus of the painting. There is a tree shading them. It is 5 feet and 15 fingers wide, and 9 feet and 13 fingers tall. Its value is 5,000 Spanish reals." ("Representa cuatro honbres Juagando a naipes detrás de ellos ay tres mirando y huno de ellos aciendo señas con los dedos de el punto q.e.. Tiene su contrario, a su compañero q.e está enfrente ganándoles el dinero. Estas siete figuras hacen un grupo q.e componen el cuadro, hay un arbol con una capa q.e les hace sonbra y su pais correspondiente. Su ancho son cinco pies y quince dedos, alto nuebe pies trece dedos. Su balor cinco mil reales de vellón." Francisco de Goya).
Four tapestries were woven based on this cartoon between 1784 and 1803. The one kept at the Cathedral Museum was acquired in 1784 by Don Fernando Gomendi at public auction. It then became part of Don Pedro Acuña y Malvar's collection and was given to Santiago Cathedral when he died.