Story: 1996
This photograph was taken in Pinelands near Cape Town in the summer of 1996. Madiba was visiting someone who needed emotional support. Who and why, I don’t remember. I was a reporter at the Cape Times and it was my day off. Photographer Benny Gool phoned me at home to say Madiba would be in my community and that I should come along with him when he photographed the visit. Benny gave me about five minutes warning which is why I was dressed in shorts! I raced to fetch my mother-in-law, Dora, who didn’t drive. That day she also shook Madiba’s hand and now, aged 82, still talks about it. It was just Madiba, the president of the country, and two bodyguards in one car. There was a very small crowd of on-lookers and Madiba said, “hello” to everybody. It was a time when he was much in demand and I remember he looked tired. The whole visit last less than ten minutes and then he was gone – but in those few moments he reached out to me and a lot of others and left lasting memories with people who would never normally have had an opportunity to get close to him.
Quote: "That day she also shook Madiba’s hand and now, aged 82, still talks about it."