Title page of 'Catriona', written by Robert Louis Stevenson as a sequel to 'Kidnapped'. As was the case with Stevenson's earlier works, 'Catriona' also appeared in serialised form before it was published as a novel, originally appearing in Atalanta (a British monthly magazine for girls) from December 1892 to September 1893.
'Catriona' continues the adventures of David Balfour and Alan Breck and introduces the titular heroine of the book as a love interest for the former. Catriona MacGregor Drummond is introduced as the daughter of James MacGregor Drummond and descendant of Rob Roy, but she is a fictional creation entirely of Robert Louis Stevenson's own making. While James MacGregor Drummond was a real historical figure, none of his six daughters were called Catriona.
[Shelfmark F.5.e.29]