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Detaliu plafon

Ion Mincu/Serban Sturdza1890/2013

Chamber of Architects in Romania

Chamber of Architects in Romania
Bucharest, România

The lounge is highly decorated, as a space destined to receive the numerous friends, apprentices and public figures of the time. Mincu paid great attention to details in this room, from furniture and the chimney to the golden wooden profiles on the ceiling and the chandelier. The ceiling is decorated in nuances of blue and green with golden symbols: the I and E overlapped letters represent the names of Ion Mincu and his wife, Eliza Dascalescu. As other illustrations of that time (the Fr. Stork medallion), Mincu used the compasses and rushlight as a personal brand.

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  • Titlu: Detaliu plafon
  • Creator: Ion Mincu/Serban Sturdza
  • Dată: 1890/2013
  • Locație: Bucharest, Arthur Verona street no.19, code 010312
Chamber of Architects in Romania

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