

Gan Clan Singapore

Gan Heritage Centre

Gan Heritage Centre
Singapore, 新加坡

Five people hailing from different countries but they share one common surname - 颜. “I am Feifei, my surname is Yan, (颜) from China.”“I am Qingxia, my surname is Yen, (颜) from Taiwan.”“I am Fucheng, my surname is Ngan, (颜) from Hong Kong.”“I am Dehua, my surname is Ngan, (颜) from Macao.”“I am Yanzhi, my surname is Gan, (颜) from Singapore.”A Chinese character can be pronounced in different ways; depending on the geographical regions and dialects spoken by the speakers. The written form of the Chinese characters has also evolved with the passing of time. As such, the 颜 surname is pronounced in different ways and its form has also changed as the Chinese script evolved from the Greater seal form to the present-day Modern Simplified form. When the Chinese emperors conferred the title of Sage to Kongzi (Confucius), Yanzi (Yan Hui), Zhenzi and Menzi, the descendants of the latter also inherited the exalting title. Similarly, as a Gan (颜), you stand to inherit the status of a “Sage” – the en-nobling title that was conferred to your ancestor, Yan Hui, centuries ago. The pronunciation of 颜 varies, but it does not stop here. With the evolution of the characters over time, even the written form varies just as diversely. 甲骨文Oracle Bone 缺 金文Greater Seal 篆文Lesser Seal 隶书Clerky Script 楷书Standard Script 行书Running Script 草书Cursive Script 繁体字Traditional Script 简体字Modern Simplified

  • 标题: 汉字的演变
  • 创作者: Gan Clan Singapore
  • Chapter: China Chapter
Gan Heritage Centre


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