This drawing is made on the other side of the support of Three Women, a Nanny (note), ca. 1896
(See what was noted for Sleeping Villagers, Characters Talking, One Walks Away, and Two People on a Bench, One Walking).
It is interesting to note that Gargallo would not later dedicate more attention to any of these contingent characters, and to a certain point of time, who are the main reason for drawings like this one and others already mentioned or that we will see below (and that, of course, would never be object of any sculptural work), so that there is no doubt about the fundamental nature of exercises or rehearsals of craft of all these works, regardless of their very high interest as highly characterized demonstrations of the evolutionary process of the training and career of the author, and without any detriment to its indisputable artistic value.
The similarities in the theme and formal treatment, as well as the clear chronological coincidence, between this drawing and the ones titled Five Women (note), People Walking (note) and Three Women, a Nanny (note), all datable, are very evident. AC. 1896.