
Chinese Black Pines and Maple Trees


Yamatane Museum of Art

Yamatane Museum of Art
Tokyo, 日本

Extending from the right edge to the left front, a curving black pine is arranged with a vertical pine, with a maple tree whose upper leaves have turned red and various autumnal grasses, such as bellflowers, adding a bit of color to the ground plane. Chinese black pines are a featured motif in autumnal waka poetry, and their use here as a central motif evokes a connection with waka. This tree was also a favorite motif of Sôtatsu, with bold composition and the motifs extending above and below the composition, characteristic of his particular design skills. These traits were then carried on by later generations of Rimpa school painters and became one of the signature elements of their style. Ogata Kôrin (1658-1716), who greatly revered Sôtatsu and sought to carry on his painting style, created his own version of this painting, Chinese Black Pine and Maple Trees (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts), thus indicating that this work was highly regarded during Kôrin's period.

  • タイトル: Chinese Black Pines and Maple Trees
  • 作者の国籍: Japan
  • 作者の性別: Male
  • 作成日: 17c
  • 作成場所: Kyoto, Japan
  • 材質・技法(日本語): 紙本金地・彩色・屏風(6曲1隻)
  • 実際のサイズ: w3624 x h1513 mm
  • 作家名(日本語): 伝 俵屋宗達
  • 作品名(日本語): 槙楓図
  • Painter: Attributed to Tawaraya Sōtatsu
  • タイプ: Edo Paintings
  • 権利: Yamatane Museum of Art, Japan、 © Yamatane Museum of Art, 2013
  • 媒体/技法: Color on Gold-Leafed Paper
Yamatane Museum of Art


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