Saeki Yuzo was born in Osaka and after graduating from Tokyo Bijutsu Gakko, he traveled to Paris on two study trips. He died at the young age of 30. Saeki’s first trip to Europe in 1923 coincided with the active period of Vlaminck, a great Fauve painter. Influenced by Vlaminck, Saeki developed a weighty painting style. Then, during his second visit to France since 1927, Saeki was drawn to the intricate style of Utrillo, and from that developed his own unique painting style that was at once violent and lyrical. This painting depicts two images, a church scene and a street scene, one on each side of the canvas. The painting is redolent of Saeki’ s style during his first stay in Paris, and the church’s sense of presence, almost as if it were moving against the dark background, reveals Saeki’s enthusiasm and passion.