Coffins from Thebes of the period around 1000 to 900 BC are very highly decorated, with many small scenes on both the exterior and interior. This is probably due to the burial practice of this period, where many members of a family or priesthood were placed in an undecorated tomb over a long period of time. Elements of decoration that during the preceding New Kingdom (about 1550-1070 BC) would have been placed on tomb walls, were instead incorporated into the coffins.The decoration on the coffin of Djedhoriufankh, painted in red, green, blue and white on a yellow background, is typical: The hieroglyphic labels are placed on a white background so that they stand out. One of the themes is the deceased offering to various deities, in this case including several forms of the sun god. Another common motif for the scenes is the resurrection, symbolized by winged scarabs and winged sun discs. These are derived from the wall paintings of tombs of the New Kingdom (about 1550-1070 BC). Other themes are taken from the funerary papyri of the time, including the creation of the world and the judgement of the deceased (like that from the Book of the Dead of Hunefer).