
Peinture colorée éclaboussée de noir

Veillon, Margo1998

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies
Egypt, Égypte

Colored abstract splash style drawing. The backround of the painting is a washed out colors including orange, yellow, blue, and green. There seems to be a mixture of acrylic and pastel colors. In the foreground, think black acrylic strokes are painted seeming very quickly through the center of the painting. The black paint drips down to the edge of the paper where a thick black line is horizontal.

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  • Titre: Peinture colorée éclaboussée de noir
  • Créateur: Veillon, Margo
  • Durée de vie du créateur: 1907-2003
  • Nationalité du créateur: Swiss
  • Date de création: 1998
  • Lieu: American University in Cairo, Egypt
  • Dimensions physiques: 39.2 cm x 27 cm
  • Mots clés du sujet: Drawing, Abstract.
  • Transcription:
    Margo Veillon , VII 1998
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  • Type: drawings (visual works)
  • Droits: To inquire about rights and permissions, contact the Rare Books and Special Collections Library, The American University in Cairo at +20.2.2615.3676 or
  • Genre artistique: abstract art
  • Mouvement artistique: Abstract (modern European style)
  • Forme d'expression artistique: pastels (visual works)
  • Support: paper, oil pastels on paper
The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

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