In the freedom she wants to face, woman frees her son too and her son is humanity.
In all forms of cohabitation, feeding, cleaning, caring and every aspect of daily routine must be
reciprocal gestures.
By education and by mimicry men and women step into their roles in very early infancy.
We understand the mystifying character of all ideologies, because through the reasoned forms of
power (theological, moral, philosophical, political) they have constrained humanity into an inauthentic
condition, suppressed and consenting.
Behind every ideology we can see the hierarchy of the sexes.
From now on we do not want to have any screen between ourselves and the world.
Feminism had been the first political moment of historical criticism of the family and society.
Let's unite the situations and episodes of historical feminist experience: through it woman has
manifested herself, interrupting for the first time the monologue of patriarchal civilisation.
We identify in unpaid domestic work the help that allows both private and state capitalism to survive.
Shall we allow that which happens again and again at the end of every popular revolution when
woman who had fought with the others finds herself and her problems pushed to one side?
We detest the mechanisms of competitiveness and the blackmail exercised in the world by the
egemony of efficiency. We want to put our working capacity at the disposal of a society that is
immune to this.
War has always been the specific activity of the male and his model for virile behaviour.
Equality of retribution is one of our rights but our suppression is another matter. Shall we be content
with equal pay when we already carry the burden of hours of domestic works?
We must re-examine the creative contributions made by woman to society and defeat the myth of her
subsidiary laboriousness.
Attributing high value to "unproductive" moments is an extension of life proposed by woman.
Whoever is in power states "loving an inferior being is part of eroticism". Maintaining the status quo
is therefore an act of love.
We welcome free sexuality in all its forms because we have stopped considering frigidity an
honourable alternative.
Continuing to regulate life between the sexes is a necessity for power, the only satisfactory choice is a
free relationship.
Curiosity and sexual games are a right of children and adolescents.
We have looked for 4,000 years, now we have seen!
Behind us is the apotheosis of the age-old masculine supremacy. Institutionalised religions have been
its firmest pedestal. And the concept of "genius" has constituted its unattainable level.
Woman has undergone the experience of seeing destroyed every day what she has been doing.
We consider incomplete any history which is based on only non-perishable traces.