
Gang die men heeft laten instorten om de kamers te beschermen tegen destructiepogingen van Eigruber.


Lukas - Art in Flanders

Lukas - Art in Flanders
Gent, België

In this photo, we see a corridor of the Altaussee mine, where the Altarpiece was hidden during the war. Despite August Eigruber's order to destruct the place with explosives, the place was saved and the artworks rescued. This was mostly thanks to the miners who blocked some entrances to the mine so that the explosives could not be placed to destroy the artworks. At the beginning of WWII, the panels of the Altarpiece of the Mystic Lamb had been transferred to the French city of Pau. On August 3, 1942, the Germans robbed the panels and brought them over to the Bavarian Neuschwanstein Castle, from where they were transferred to the Salt Mine Altaussee in Austria, in 1944.

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Lukas - Art in Flanders

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