Titolo: Cose che ho fatto mentre non satvo nell'esercito
Creatore: Filippo Minelli
Nazionalità dell'autore: italian
Luogo di nascita dell'autore: Italy
Genere dell'autore: male
Data: 2015
Luogo di creazione: Ex Caserma Guido Reni
Productions: Outdoor - Here, Now.
Photographer's name: Alberto Blasetti
Bio: He's an Italian artist and he was born in 1983. He analyzes and researches many themes like architecture, politics, communication and geography using them as a base for his creations, installations and performances, documenting all by pictures and videos. He's always been interested in landscapes and public spaces, and he became a Street Art pioneer in Italy thanks to his instinctive and not-authorized interventions.
Tipo: mixed media
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