Humans have between 65% to 75% body weight water. This percentage is the same as the planet we inhabit, which is composed of 70% water and 30% land, if we make an analogy our veins and arteries are rivers and streams that carry nutrients to this planet full of life that is our body, what is happening with rivers and natural sources on our planet is a reflection of what we are doing with our body, intoxicating him with food that obstructs and pollutes the vital source of our energy, also allow rivers are contaminated by several companies that pull these heavy metals and toxic waste sources.
The pollution of our water generates death in the short and long term, as well as pollution of our body creates beings with thoughts clogged and unable to escape the vicious circle in which the planet is wrapped increasingly inevitably, to cleanse our body be able to clean up our planet.
The image is a reminder of the percentage of water that keeps alive our body and fluidity of thought and emotions in a healthy body.
It also refers to our ancient cultures, (Peru - Mexico) who handled this knowledge and used more appropriately and many others who could really use now remember.