One photograph of a steel erector constructing a joint on a steel girder titled 'The Spider Men Go Slow'. Caption on back reads: 'Eleven thousand steel erectors - 'the spider men' - are starting to 'go slow' on instructions from the Constructional Engineering Union, this week. It is estimated that this will slow up the rate of steel frame building production by about 50%. Called 'spider men' because' of their feats of skill and balance high above the ground on steel girders, the steel erectors have the highest accident rate in the building industry. The 'work-to rule' movement, which means that every safety regulation in the book will be religiously carried out, follows the refusal of the Engineering Employers' National Federation to grant an increase of 3d an hour, with a [...] in 'height money'. Photo shows:- 'Spiderman' JOCK BARRY, a Scotsman, working on a block of offices in Farringdon Road, EC, sits astride a narrow beam as he bolts the steel girders together, - a typical erection job'.