Romano-British sculpture, first century A.D. tombstone of the Roman soldier Dannicus. Found at Watermoor, Cirencester in 1835.DANNICVS EQ(U)ES ALAE. INDIAN(AE) TVR(MA) ALBANI. STIP(ENDIORUM) XVI CIVES RAVR(ICUS). CVR(AUERUNT) FVLVIVS NATALIS IT. FL(AU)IVS BITVCVS EX TESTAME(NTO). H(IC)S(ITUS)E(ST), The inscription reads: "Dannicus, trooper of the Cavalry Regiment Indiana, from the troop of Albanus, of 16 years service, a tribesman of the Raurici, lies buried here. Fulvius Natalis and Flavius Biticus had this erected under his will."