In the extension of themes beyond Hinduism, Kalamkari artists freely merged iconography and imagery that were a part of their repertory with those from other Faiths. This biblical depiction was a part of similar versions, which included The Life of Christ and The Crucifxion, where, with the Virgin Mary at the centre, the conventional style of horizontal registers for storytelling widely prevalent in painted Indian scrolls narrates the life of Jesus Christ.
This grid shows the shepherds visiting the babe in the manger. It is the classic nativity scene, with the bright star bathing baby Jesus with its light and the stable shows bejewelled horse and a cow. The visiting shepherd have a lamb and a ram adorned with jewels. Kailasam was narrated the story of Jesus by Redayya of WSC. The story maybe Christian but its translation into a Kalamkari painting by a Hindu artist is definitely Indian in its spirit.