bottom: The goanna (djanda) is depicted in the centre while on either side are shown male and female goannas on the sandhills at Yalangbara (Port Bradshaw). Djanda is represented lying on a large rock. The semi-circles are goanna holes while the zig-zag lines are the tracks of the goanna going into holes in the rock.
lower left: This section shows goanna tracks through the sandhills.
lower right: The wild turkey is depicted eating wild berries and nuts.
upper left: Flying foxes are depicted in a gadmura tree.
upper right: The goanna (djanda) is shown with a 'singing tree' (casuarina).
top left: A male and two female goannas play in the sand.
top right: The camp of Djan'kawu and his sisters. He calls out names of the related clan language groups of the area. They are depicted by the squares. Black inner corner Rirratjingu, black upper square Marrakulu, top red Djarlwark, lower square Ngaymil.
The cross-hatching shows aspects of the environment such as sandhills, sand falling away as the goanna travels across the sandhill, goanna tracks, the wild turkey nest, etc.
© Information provided by the artist
Australian Art Department, AGNSW, 2000