musically, although the singer is
not on best form. The album, which
has an excellent balance between
Gil and his musicians, represents
an artist in complete harmony with
a repertoire considered difficult"
by the majority of the Brazilian
media when it was released on the
1997 studio version Quanta.
Utilising uncomplicated
arrangements, which reflect the
musical simplicity of his themes,
Gil demonstrates his renowned
musical diversity by revisiting his
work, blending his
own compositions
with quotes and
songs by Bob
Marley (Stir It Up
Is This Love?).
There are many
surprises to be
found. One is the
funk-samba Pela
Internet (By
Internet), where he
alludes to Master
Donga's classic
samba Pelo Tele-
fone (By 'Phone).
Gil tailors the past
and the future in
the most unconventional way, as
a natural reflex of his flexibility.
This Grammy award is justly
deserved, albeit in the World Music
Oslo's Sun
Recorded in 1994 and
released in Brazil and several
European countries in 1998, the
album o Sol de Oslo (Oslo's Sun)
cannot be considered a work by
Gilberto Gil alone, as stated in
the sleevenotes. This assertion
was disturbing to the artist him-
self because the record was
produced in association with other
artists using spontaneous and
experimental ideas
Themes relating to his
Northeastern roots form the
backbone of the CD and in its
context and finished product it
elegantly distances itself from
the damning concept of folkloric
music and from being labelled
automatically as world music.
Intentionally or otherwise, the
record has a global sound when
musicians from the northeast and
southeast of Brazil (Gil, Marlui
Miranda and Rodolfo Stroeter)
Gil. 1996
are put together with the ideas
and musicianship of an Indian
percussionist and a Norwegian
keyboard player and all this is
layered with the melodic seasoning
of the Brazilian instrumentalists.
arrangement of Lingua do P.
composed by Gil when he was
an ebulliant Tropicalista; the
rediscovery of the music of
Moacir Santos, who has been
living for decades in Los Angeles
and is the composer of the
previously unheard Ciranda with
its refined lyrics written by Gil;
the rerecorded, intense A Santinha
La Da Serra, where Toninho
Ferragutti's accordion dramatically
punctuates the lyrics written by
Vincius de Moraes. On the
previously unheard Rep.a Gil-
bertonian rap.
the composer
wisely observes:
Photo Rejane Carneiro
Consisting of a repertoire of
xote, côco, well-known melodies,
forró, and other musical styles from
the Northeast of Brazil, O Sol de
Oslo is an extremely delicate
album. Delights and surprises are
revealed throughout the album.
There are new compositions by Gil
and Marlui Miranda: the revival of
a classic song immortalised by
Jackson do Pandeiro (17 Na
Corrente); a free-flowing re-
know what they
want but the
people want
what they don't
know". A real
pearl is the
hymn kao by
Gil and Rodolfo
music producer
and owner of the
record company
Pau Brasil, who
is also responsible for this beautiful
work. Two of the songs on the
album were recorded later in
Brazil: Onde O Xaxádo Tá (Gil
and Stroeter) and Oslodum, a poetic
and rich fusion of sounds and
words, conceived and performed
by a Gilberto Gil at the peak of his
Whether he is speaking
about ruler and compasses Aquele
Abraço), physics or computers
(Quanta), Gilberto Gil transforms
his art into the antithesis of
anacronysm. The new and the
unusual are the raw elements which
the artist employs to develop his
tradition. -
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