Double rectangular framework made with wooden slats reinforced with strips of chestnut wood. It was used to transport forage on the donkey's back.
The steep terrain along the Cantabrian coast delayed the introduction of mechanical transport to replace beasts of burden. The small size of the farms also made large-scale investment unsustainable. As a result, the use of animals for farm labour and transport only ended when the farmhouses ceased to operate as agricultural businesses. Large areas of hill land have been abandoned or planted with pine or eucalyptus. The disappearance of carrier donkeys and mules has also led to a decline in craft businesses such as basketwork, harness-making, shoeing, etc.
This piece comes of the town of Arano (Navarre) and belongs to the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa's Etnogintza collection.
Leizaola, Fermin… et al. Baserriko tresnak : Andoaingo baserrietako lanabes tradizionalak : erakusketa, maiatzak 20-31. – [Andoain : Udala], 1990. 23-24
Inventory number: GFA-009104-001