Here is a picture of part of the Psychiana printing department. There are two double-sized Multiliths and two-motored Multigraphs. Dr. Robinson, in addition to writing all Lessons, books, advertising etc. spends much time in this printing dept. He can knock down and put together again, any machine he has. The capacity of this plant, working 24 hours a day, is over 500,000 printed pieces of literature. When this Movement first started Dr. Robinson set the type for the lessons by hand, ran them on a Multigraph, and did all the mailing himself, on top of working half a day in the Corner Drug Store in Moscow. He is a mechanical genius when it comes to machinery. Often he feeds one of the Davidson folders 8 hours at a stretch. It takes over 100 tons of paper to make the envelopes for one years mailing in the direct-mail department alone. This photograph was taken in the 3rd Street Psychiana building.
Psychiana was a mail order religion based in Moscow, Idaho and founded by Dr. Frank B. Robinson. This document is part of a Photograph Collection of Psychiana materials housed in the Latah County Historical Society (LCHS) photograph archives. LCHS Photo ID: 01-10-005