From 1957 to 1959, when he was also working on the Burnings (Quemas), Serrano created the Drama of the Object (Drama del Objeto) where he reflected on the occupation of space with an artistic, strongly expressionist approach. In the words of Serrano, the Drama of the Object presents "... a conflicting situation between the body of the object and its emptiness. … On the one hand a desire for order, on the other a desire for destruction in search of another order. For me, creation always obeys these two forces, orderly and destructive in an accelerating rhythm, in a state of being alert and continuously living dangerously where success can be accidental." The result was this sculpture consisting of a brass cube with one side open, with tears on three of its faces, leaving its interior visible. Metal bars escape from this interior, which project principal lines in the space which outline the geometric body.