
Effigy of Ben Franklin dominates high-voltage yard at General Electric Company's new Switchgear Development laboratory as engineer prepares to re-enact Ben's famous kite and key experiment. The special demonstration was part of the ceremonies marking the official opening of the company's $10,000,000 laboratory. Instead of producing a spark as Franklin did, however, GE high-voltage specialist created a white-hot arc which leaped six feet from tip of key to ground. The company's newest laboratory will develop circuit breakers and other equipment capable of harnessing and controlling the country's increasing electric power needs

General Electric Company1952-05-27

Museum of Innovation & Science

Museum of Innovation & Science
Schenectady, United States

  • Title: Effigy of Ben Franklin dominates high-voltage yard at General Electric Company's new Switchgear Development laboratory as engineer prepares to re-enact Ben's famous kite and key experiment. The special demonstration was part of the ceremonies marking the official opening of the company's $10,000,000 laboratory. Instead of producing a spark as Franklin did, however, GE high-voltage specialist created a white-hot arc which leaped six feet from tip of key to ground. The company's newest laboratory will develop circuit breakers and other equipment capable of harnessing and controlling the country's increasing electric power needs
  • Creator: General Electric Company
  • Date Created: 1952-05-27
  • Location: Philadelphia – Philadelphia County - Pennsylvania
  • Physical Dimensions: 8 x 10
  • Original Language: English
  • Subject Keywords: Inventors; Electrical apparatus; General Electric Company;
  • Type: Photograph
  • Publisher: General Electric Company
  • Rights: This digital image may be used for educational uses. Please cite as miSci- Museum of Innovation & Science. Prior written permission is required for any other use of the images from miSci.
Museum of Innovation & Science

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