Chichen Itzá is rich in images of the feathered serpent representing Kukulkán who was worshiped. The evidences tell that during the postclassic period, he was the main deity in that ceremonial center. The sculpture, with the neck and head high in a menacing position, has open jaws with the fangs and rear teeth clearly indicated, the eyes are wide and deep circles framed by prominent eyebrows. In Chichen Itzá the representations of the feathered serpent were adapted in the architecture. They are at the entrance of the warriors and jaguars temple as columns; the head is the shaft and the rattle is the capital finished with a feather plume. Unlike those, this is an example of an independent piece that must have been placed on the edge or on top of a platform or bench. The abundance of this kind of representations is because of the importance of moving freely among the celestial, terrestrial and underworld planes, like a cord joining the divine intentions with the offerings and requests from the Mayans.Dra. Federica Sodi MirandaColaboradores: Arqlgo. Hugo Herrera Torres Araceli Ruiz Peláez Mtro. Hugo García Capistran.