“The Dukes of Hazzard” was an American action-comedy television series that aired on public television from 1979 to 1985. The show followed the adventures of the Duke Boys (Bo and Luke), who lived on a Georgia family farm with cousin Daisy and wise old Uncle Jesse. The boys drove around in a customized Dodge Charger stock car dubbed The General Lee. “The Dukes of Hazzard” premiered during the height of jiggle TV (“Charlie’s Angels,” “The Love Boat,” and “Three's Company” were popular) and the Carter-era fascination with good-ole-boy stories. In a piece for “Time,” journalist and television critic James Poniewozik noted that “Bo and Luke were “good ol’ boys” but they were also “fightin’ the system.” They were traditionalists, but they were also rebels. The Duke boys weren’t political, but they were at least small-c conservative–they stood for old ways and ancient traditions.” Following a racist massacre in Charleston South Carolina in 2015, TV Land pulled reruns of "The Dukes of Hazzard" as the General Lee was emblazoned with the Confederate flag, and the perpetrator had posed with the banner.