A large group of figures with anthropomorphic features are called ‘idols’, which characterise the symbolic productions of the 4th and 3rd millennium BC in the Iberian Peninsula. The depiction of the eyes is the common feature amongst different families of idols, which brings them together under the umbrella concept of ‘eye idols’. In this case, we have one of the best preserved pieces of this type. It is known as the ‘Extremadura Idol’, although its origin must be the Guadalquivir valley. These statuettes are made from various materials. The shape of the idol is another variable. The eyes, eyebrows, hair and a possible ‘facial tattoo’ stand out. The medium, technique and shape variables seem to correspond to different regional depictions. The actual function of these objects is uncertain. Their first interpretation as idols is determined by the frequent association of these elements with funeral contexts. In most cases the depictions are asexual, but throughout the Chalcolithic period, these images were substituted for more clearly sexually represented figures, indicating an important change in beliefs and social relations.