The TV series "Family Affair," on air from 1966 to 1971, featured the lives of bachelor Bill Davis, his butler Giles French, and the three orphans Davis adopted when his brother and sister-in-law died in an accident. The situation comedy revolved around Davis and his very British and very proper servant adjusting to the presence of a teenaged girl and her younger, twin siblings. Buffy, the seven-year-old girl twin, had received a cloth doll she named Mrs. Beasley from her parents, and the doll became an often-featured security blanket and confidant for Buffy in the series. Toy manufacturers offered a variety of Mrs. Beasley products including a replica of Buffy's doll and talking variations, paper dolls, coloring books, jigsaw puzzles, and sticker books. Mattel, Inc. also offered a Buffy doll, complete, of course, with its own little teeny Mrs. Beasley doll.
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