

Nicolas Joseph Cugnot1770

Musée des arts et métiers

Musée des arts et métiers
Paris, フランス

In 1769 military engineer Nicolas Cugnot built the first vehicle able to move without animal power. A boiler alternately supplied two cylinders on either side of a single drive wheel with steam, exerting linear pressure on the pistons, which a system of ratchet wheels turned into movement. This mechanism, previously used in clockmaking, also allowed the vehicle to move backwards. Promising trials of a small prototype encouraged Cugnot to make another fardier, which could carry five tons at a speed of four km/h. In 1771 he abandoned the bold project, which had unleashed the passions of men like the artillery field marshal Marquis de Saint-Auban. "The craze for new things, Sirs, has been taken to a nearly unbelievable level," he wrote in a letter dated 1779. "The claim has even been made that fire machines set in motion by piston pumps can replace the horses and carriages that pull artillery."

  • タイトル: Fardier
  • 作成者: Nicolas Joseph Cugnot
  • 日付: 1770
  • 作成日: 1770
  • 場所: France
  • 来歴: Musée des arts et métiers
  • 件名キーワード: Machine à vapeur à piston / Mécanisme de transformation de mouvement / Voiture militaire
  • タイプ: Bois, cuivre, fer, fonte, osier
  • 協力者: Author : François Mathias
  • Inventory number: Inv. 00106
  • Credits: © Musée des arts et métiers-Cnam/photo Jean Claude Wetzel
Musée des arts et métiers


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