The original images of "Filling Physical Life" (color video/audio) comes from Maria Veronica’s video work in Splendorous Waters Bottling Plant, at the time was owned by Mat Lucia Vallarino Peet. (Splendorous Waters or “Gold Water” is unique in Ecuador and the world; it contains colloids of gold and silver and it was discovered in 1982 in the middle of a tropical rain forest in the Ecuadorian Andes in La Mana, Cotopaxi Province).
Video is the ideal technique to illustrate the life and energy of water, its movements and states, as well as the changes from one state to another. Both elements, Gold and Water, -key to the future of Humanity-, are life sustaining, physically and economically, yet the paradox is that in order to extract gold water sources are often destroyed. In "Gold Water: Apocalyptic Black Mirrors" the convergence of Art and Science forges an artistic amalgam, a prophetic myth of a future dystopia created by man's annihilation of nature and his blind obedience to consumerism.