
Fresh Water Jar for the Tea Ceremony, Known as "Shiba no Iori"

Azuchi-Momoyama period, 16th century


東京, 日本

The first items that appeared on the center stage of tea ceremonies among Japanese ceramics were the non-glazed water jars of Shigaraki or Bizen. Non-glazed water jars in their infancy were produced not as utensils for the tea ceremony, but as containers for daily use, such as seed containers. Later they were incorporated into the tea ceremony as utensils.It is said that this water jar was possessed by Sen Rikyu. In the bottom center, Konshin Sosa (1619-1972), the fourth master of Omotesenke, wrote "Shian (kao: designed character representing the signature)" in red lacquer, while on the back of the lid of a box for the jar, Joshinsai Sosa (1706-1751), the seventh master of Omote Senke, wrote "Shikaraki Water Jar written by Kososa/Shian Left (志からき水指 古宗左書付/柴庵 左) (kao)."It is made of Shigaraki clay, which is rich in feldspar grains and there is a large vertical crack on the body, over which natural glaze is applied abundantly, creating a view in sharp contrast to the red, burnt inside surface. The slightly tight mouth suggests that this water jar has been created not for daily use, but specifically for the tea ceremony and that it was created during a transitional period from the Muromachi to Momoyama periods when molding was about to change drastically.

  • タイトル: Fresh Water Jar for the Tea Ceremony, Known as "Shiba no Iori"
  • 作成日: Azuchi-Momoyama period, 16th century
  • 実際のサイズ: w173 x h147 mm
  • Object Title: 一重口水指 銘 柴庵
  • Object Notes(Japanese): 茶の湯の表舞台に和物(日本製)の茶陶として最初に登場するのは、信楽や備前といった焼締(やきしめ)の水指であった。初期の焼締水指は茶の湯の器としてつくられたものではなく、種壺などの日常の生活の器であった焼締の壺が、茶の湯の空間に持ち込まれたものであった。 この水指は千利休所持と伝えられる。底の中央には表千家四代の江岑宗左(こんしんそうさ)(1619〜72)が「柴庵(花押)」と朱漆で書き付け、内箱蓋裏には表千家七代如心斎宗左(じょしんさいそうさ)(1706〜51)による「志からき水指 古宗左書付/柴庵 左(花押)」という箱書がある。 長石粒を多く含む信楽独特の土で、胴には大きな亀裂が縦に走り、自然釉がどっぷりと掛かり、裏面の赤く焦げた肌とは実に対照的な景色となる。わずかに口縁としぼった造形は、この水指がすでに日常の器から脱して、水指としてつくられたものであり、室町から桃山へという時代のなかで造形が大きく動き出そうとする時期の作であることを示している。
  • Object Date: 安土桃山時代・16世紀
  • Kiln(Japanese): 信楽
  • Donor(Japanese): 広田松繁氏寄贈
  • Kiln: Shigaraki ware
  • Donor: Mr. Hirota Matsushige
  • タイプ: Ceramic
  • 外部リンク: http://www.emuseum.jp/detail/100526


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