After six decades J. Robert Oppenheimer or "the father of the atomic bomb" left us with a heavy legacy of more than 32000 nuclear bombs, he left us also with a handful of states which insist that those weapons provide unique security benefits, and yet reserve uniquely to themselves the right to own them, and of course states craving to possess the weapon.
In the years after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Oppenheimer looked back on it as something bound to happen, repeatedly saying that it was inevitable. Fear became inevitable too; it became gradually human's first nature. Making wars is a human nature as well. Now, if not always at the forefront of our everyday thinking, the shadow of the apocalyptic mushroom cloud remains on all our minds.
What had the "brightness of more than a thousand suns" has pushed our world further into a darker place, or even a place that lacks light and hope. Ironically, Oppenheimer, himself declared later that the bomb "mercilessly" dramatized "the inhumanity and evil of modern war".
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