Critic's Note: The refracted imagery of Kang's digital photography shows the distortion of times that he experienced and the reality of Korean society; where memories and history is roughly entangled. Although the fragments produced by his digital camera cannot capture landscapes perfectly, the unavoidable result is that we are surrounded by a reality that is unrealistic and phony. Digital photography is becoming a crucial part of everyday life, and the advancements in digital technology will contribute to Society in the future. Nevertheless, our minds still want to retain images from the past and the trauma from rapid transformations, which continues to move us. Modernization is present in a progressive tense, but humanity and their landscapes do not change easily despite the great transformation during the 21st-century Information Society. Kang's digital landscapes are kaleidoscopic images of a society that struggles to be real.
Collection: Busan Mucipal museum, busan,Kumho Museum(Seoul)Art sunjae Center, Seoul