
Game Platter from the Rutherford B. Hayes State Service

Haviland & Co.1880

The White House

The White House
Washington D.C., États-Unis

  • Titre: Game Platter from the Rutherford B. Hayes State Service
  • Nationalité du créateur: French
  • Sexe du créateur: None
  • Date de création: 1880
  • Lieu de création: Limoges, France
  • Marks: Printed marks: United States coat of arms (in color); FABRIQUÄ PAR/ HAVILAND & CO./ d' aprs les dassins/ DE/ THEO: R. DAVIS (in red except for Davis's signature which is in black); LIMOGES/ HAVILAND & Co. (in red) over a cypher composed of the artist's initials "T.D." as a red, white and blue pennant with the date "1879"; H&Co. (in green)
  • Dimensions physiques: w457.2 x d279.4 in
  • null: Porcelain
  • Designed by: Theodore Russell Davis, American (1840-1894)
  • Manufacturer: Haviland & Co.
  • Type: Game Platter from the Rutherford B. Hayes State Service
  • Droits: U.S. Government purchase, 1880, White House Historical Association (White House Collection)
The White House

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