As a result of our research, we have been able to identify many of the people who appear in this film. Here are some of them:
Councillor Nettleton: President of the Gawthorpe Maypole Feast Committee, which organised the procession, competition and old folk’s feast. He can be seen in the film wearing a long black jacket, standing on the cart next to the maypole, where he is giving a welcome speech.
Mrs Robinson: Mrs Robinson was the Mayoress, married to the Mayor, Councillor H Robinson. She can be seen standing on the cart next to the maypole, holding the crown. She gave a speech on behalf of the Mayor and crowned the May Queen.
Councillor Marsh: Proposed a vote of thanks to the Lady Mayoress.
Ida Womersley: Ida was the May Queen in 1913; she rode in this procession behind Laura Woolin. She was the daughter of Ernest and Maranda Womersley and lived on the High Street.
Cam Womersley: The page boy for May Queen Laura Woolin; he was 5 years old and the youngest of six children.
Edith Tolson: The daughter of coal miner Willie Tolson; she had a sister and three brothers – Ernest, Joseph and Fred – and a sister, Alice.